Fertility Foundations

February 2-March 1

4-week online course



Sunday, Feb 2 @ 8 am AEST

Sunday, Feb 9 @ 8 am AEST

Sunday, Feb 16 @ 8 am AEST

Sunday, Feb 23 @ 8 am AEST

++ Each week you will be sent yoga and meditation sessions for each module that you can do in your own time



In this comprehensive four-week course, we will explore the foundational principles of fertility through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). You’ll learn how to support the organ systems that are key to hormonal health and fertility, including optimizing egg quality, balancing hormones, and improving overall reproductive health.

What You’ll Learn:

Understanding Fertility from a Chinese Medicine Perspective

Gain an introduction to the core organ systems in TCM that influence fertility, such as the Heart, Kidney, Liver, Spleen, and Lung. Learn how these organs relate to hormonal balance and reproductive health.

Optimizing Egg Quality and Hormonal Health

Learn about the factors that impact egg development and quality, including lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, supplements, and how to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that damages egg quality. Understand the blood tests that investigate egg quality and ranges that functional practitioners use.

Tracking Ovulation and Becoming Period Literate

Discover how to track your ovulation using basal body temperature (BBT), and cervical mucous, and how to interpret your period symptoms to understand your fertility and hormonal health. We’ll cover the importance of consistent tracking and how this knowledge empowers your fertility journey.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Support for Fertility

Explore key nutrients and supplements that support female fertility, including vitamins, minerals, and herbs that boost reproductive health. Understand the link between digestion and hormonal health, the gut microbiome and inflammation, and how these factors influence conception. You’ll also learn how to reduce environmental toxins like plastics, phthalates, and heavy metals that can impact your fertility.

Course Overview:
This course is designed to give you the tools and knowledge to optimise your fertility in the months to years leading up to conception. An egg takes approximately a year to fully mature, with rapid growth occurring in the 4 months before ovulation, so there is a lot we can do with diet, lifestyle, herbs and nutrition to optimise your egg quality and overall chances of conceiving. By investing in your health and fertility now, you will maximize your chances of conception and enhance the long-term health of both your body and future baby.

Whether you’re planning to conceive soon or just beginning your fertility journey, understanding the key factors that influence fertility is essential. By integrating Chinese medicine with yoga, meditation, clinical supplementation, herbs and lifestyle practices, you’ll have a holistic and well-rounded approach to fertility that empowers you to take control of your reproductive health.


$420 AUD

* if you would like to attend this course but cannot afford it, please reach out.